From House Fire to Rite of Passage


It all started with some shrimp, ice and a little oil. As our eldest son prepared to graduate, we were blessed with an unfortunate accident. There were two results of this accident. The first, our newly remodeled kitchen being set ablaze. The second, a harsh realization that despite our focused efforts, we had neglected to teach some of life's lessons.

These lessons were given a name, Life 101. A gift to reflect on a closing chapter and a chance to look forward to the next. 



From sewing a button to spraying mace. We hope to teach you some of the less taught skills.

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Life is uncomfortable. Life has some tough subjects. We will touch on a few.

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For the best experience, you will be expected to take on some responsibility and participate as adults.

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I can’t even begin to speak to how glad I am to have come this weekend. I am stunned to realize how much was actually packed into these 4 days..